The newest addition to our collection of single-source high mountain organic oolong is here! We used our Organic Mountain, following our philosophy of only using the finest leaf as a base for all our roasts, and crafted it using the classic DongDing-style method. This results in bold, unmistakable roasted oolong flavor, with hints of complexity here and there to pleasantly surprise when least expected.
We detected cocoa as the centerpiece note in an even roast with just a hint of woody sweetness. The aftertaste is honeyed with hints of flowers on the tip of the tongue. The nose recalls pine and put us in a festive mood, recalling holiday wreaths. While this oolong is exceptionally hardy and can produce a flavorful and balanced liquor while using up to boiling temperature water, we suggest using 95°c to draw out the most multilayered experience from this tea. Enjoy!
This white tea is from GeDeng Ancient Tea Mountain in China Yunnan. Gedeng is one of the six ancient tea mountains in China. Gedeng means...
This white tea is from GeDeng Ancient Tea Mountain in China Yunnan. Gedeng is one of the six ancient tea mountains in China. Gedeng means a very high places. Gedeng is the Bulang language and was once the place where the Bulang people lived. Geden ancient tea is a wild transitional...
FengHuang GuiFei belongs to a subclass of tea that originated in Taiwan, known as bitten oolong. Bitten teas are created when the Green ...
$12.00 - Sold Out
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FengHuang GuiFei belongs to a subclass of tea that originated in Taiwan, known as bitten oolong. Bitten teas are created when the Green Leafhopper bites into tippy buds of the tea plant, causing the leaf to oxidize while on the branch. The result is an instantly recognizable flavor profile, both...
Bitten oolong originated in Taiwan, and is continuing to gain a devoted following year by year. Our FengHuang GuiFei follows a tradition...
from $10.00$10.00
Bitten oolong originated in Taiwan, and is continuing to gain a devoted following year by year. Our FengHuang GuiFei follows a traditional method of crafting bitten oolong, which involves roasting the bitten leaf to draw out more honey and fruit flavors. Following tea trends in the East, demand for a...